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 actions with unicode values/text?
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74 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  07:40:02  Show Profile
Is it possible to perform any actions with unicode values?
AFAIK, Lua can't store unicode values. For example if I need to capitalize letters of the selected unicode text (russian in my case) the string.upper(s) function won't work.
So is there any workarounds?


2615 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  10:33:31  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
To be honest, I really have no idea

I've never spent any time working with Unicode and while I understand what it is and the gist of how it works, when it gets to the technical level, I've never invested any time looking into it...probably because it's not needed for it's never been something I needed to figure out (yes, I'm lazy like that).
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74 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  11:10:52  Show Profile
Well, I have some vague ideas. Will try them out...
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2615 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  11:14:59  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Also note that S+ isn't compiled with Unicode on as it fails due to some stuff in the BOOST libraries relating to the property tree, which is used to store the entire config (prefs, gestures, apps, actions, ignored) during runtime. So it's possible that no matter what, Unicode won't work in any capacity within S+.
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74 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  11:42:18  Show Profile
Originally posted by Rob

Also note that S+ isn't compiled with Unicode on as it fails due to some stuff in the BOOST libraries relating to the property tree, which is used to store the entire config (prefs, gestures, apps, actions, ignored) during runtime. So it's possible that no matter what, Unicode won't work in any capacity within S+.

That's quite discouraging) I think I better keep autoit scripts for such tasts.
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2615 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  11:54:12  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
I know. When I started S+, as I've mentioned before, I really had only worked with VB/C#.NET apps, so I wasn't even aware of the shit-storm of complications related to Unicode and wrote the whole thing in ANSI. It wasn't until people in other countries started using it that I even knew there was a major fault in how it was developed from the ground up.

I spent a couple weeks a few months back going through everything trying to convert to compile/work in Unicode strings, but hit a wall when it came to the property tree in the BOOST libraries. While some things work through it, some do not...I also have found people online saying that property tree isn't 100% Unicode compatible and I just gave up. I still have the code, so it's something I will try to get back to from time to time..but it's exhausting and being that I'm inexperienced in that area, it's difficult to make a lot of progress without simply getting frustrated.

But it constantly bothers me knowing that it is compiled in ANSI and I will keep revisiting until I can get past the issues or if the BOOST stuff gets updated. I even went through everything to use a different XML parser, but it had so many differences that greatly affected all S+ code it was too the point that it seemed more practical to simply rewrite S+ from the ground up one day, starting with Unicode support and building up from there. Of course, that's quite a daunting task that I don't know when that would happen either.

I certainly learned a huge lesson, but it sucks for international users
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