Well, you could enable the Allow After Action Script preference and use this in your Global Lua:function sp_after_action(gnm, gsx, gsy, gex, gey, gwd, gapp, gact, gbl, gbt, gbr, gbb)
acDisplayBalloonTip(gact, gnm, 1) --displays a balloon tip with an info icon
This would show the baloon tip near your taskbar clock every time you executed a gesture.
Or just use the acDisplayBaloonTip action in specific actions.
If you go the global route, my example above is the whole function, by default, the Global Lua already has this defined: function sp_after_action(gnm, gsx, gsy, gex, gey, gwd, gapp, gact, gbl, gbt, gbr, gbb)
So you only would need to add the acDisplayBaloonTip code inside.