Sine rob seem busy i would like to post you my opinion on this,
To find the element for the next page and to trigger it needs investigation on to find the element (html) and hit the button . This does not seem to be a easy task at least unless rob gets into the party. Even if rob finds it , i guess he would have to work to make it happen in all websites.
Thats true, i answered initially thinking that you were trying to navigate to the next page of a website like page 1 of google search page 2 of google search page 3 of google search, in short next pages of websites since you said " next page of websites ".
yes ctrl tab for next tab and acSendKeys("^+{TAB}") for previous tab. and i dont use the below 2 lines in my code as my gesture is drwan on chrome saving the milliseconds to process these 2 lines,
local iHandle = acGetForegroundWindow() acActivateWindow(nil, gsx, gsy)
haha sorry for my misinterpretation. am new to this thing and am so excited :P i put those lines before almost every code so that the window gets the focus even if its not on top. saves me a left click everytime :)