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 Opening Links in Outlook Crashes Chrome
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Posted - 08/15/2017 :  10:07:12  Show Profile
I have a gesture to open a chrome browser with the following command:

acRunProgram("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe","",0, 1)

once that chrome browser is open it works as you would suspect, except when I click on a link that is in an email I retrieved through Microsoft Outlook, I would expect it to open the link within the Chrome browser I have open, however, I get a message that says "Chrome has become unresponsive. Restart?". This happens 100% of the time I have ever tried it, even after reboots. I have also tried opening Chrome using ShellExecute (through Strokes+) and have the same issue.

It's important to know that if I open the browser without the help of Strokes+ that I do not have this problem, I can open links in Outlook with no issue.


2615 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2017 :  10:17:25  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
If I had to make a quick/wild guess, I'd say it might be due to S+ generally running in an elevated privilege state while Outlook is not. Windows really doesn't like processes interacting with processes running in a higher privilege, for obvious security reasons. And since you started Chrome via S+, it means Chrome is also likely running under a higher privilege than Outlook.

One way to try it out (at least I think):

Assign a shortcut key to open Chrome, using the instructions here if you need:

Then change your action to use acSendKeys to send the key combination you assigned.

Try it that way and see what happens. In theory, Chrome should start in the standard context of the Desktop and not as a child/owned process of S+.
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2 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2017 :  10:58:01  Show Profile
Originally posted by Rob

If I had to make a quick/wild guess, I'd say it might be due to S+ generally running in an elevated privilege state while Outlook is not. Windows really doesn't like processes interacting with processes running in a higher privilege, for obvious security reasons. And since you started Chrome via S+, it means Chrome is also likely running under a higher privilege than Outlook.

One way to try it out (at least I think):

Assign a shortcut key to open Chrome, using the instructions here if you need:

Then change your action to use acSendKeys to send the key combination you assigned.

Try it that way and see what happens. In theory, Chrome should start in the standard context of the Desktop and not as a child/owned process of S+.

Thanks for your response, the work-around you posted is what I have been using in the meantime and it works correctly.
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