Description£ºit is just open the current page without cookies.
Here is an example for IE£º
if acGetExecutableName(nil,gsx,gsy)~="iexplore.exe" then acSendKeys("^l") --Focus on the address bar acSendKeys("^c") --Copy the URL local url=acGetClipboardText() url=string.gsub(url,"https?://","") --URL matching, Here do not need "http://" or "https://" acRunProgram("C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe",url,0, 1) end
and for Firefox£¨chrome£©£º
if acGetExecutableName(nil,gsx,gsy)~="firefox.exe" then acSendKeys("^l") --Focus on the address bar acSendKeys("^c") --Copy the URL local url=acGetClipboardText() --url=string.gsub(url,"https?://",""), Firefox does not need this. acRunProgram("D:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",url,0, 1) --The path of your Firefox end |