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 [EXPERIMENTAL] Sign StrokesPlus for Win 8 Interop
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2615 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2012 :  10:54:53  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Starting with S+ 2.4.9, I will include a separate download of S+ which you will able to sign StrokesPlus.exe yourself and grant S+ the ability to interact with Windows 8 specific screens and other Win8 functionality (able to draw gesture lines on Start screen, open task switcher, other stuff too).

First, you must have the Windows SDK installed; do a Google search for and download it from Microsoft. Let's not make this a support thread for how to install the SDK and where makecert.exe and signtool.exe are located after you install the SDK. You're welcome to make a new topic, but I would prefer that you figure that part out on your own or search Google until you have the SDK installed and know where the files are.

Once the SDK is installed, open a Command Prompt with Admin privileges. Change to the directory where makecert.exe and signtool.exe reside (usually in the Bin folder of where the Windows SDK was installed) and execute the following 3 commands:

1. makecert -r -pe -n "CN=StrokesPlusCert" -ss StrokesPlusCertStore StrokesPlus.cer
2. certmgr.exe -add StrokesPlus.cer -s -r localMachine root
3. signtool sign /v /s StrokesPlusCertStore /n "StrokesPlusCert" /t "c:\program files\strokesplus\StrokesPlus.exe"

Note that S+ MUST be run from Program Files\* or Windows\* directory for the UIAccess flag (which allows for the MetroUI access) in the manifest to be acknowledged. Note that this special version of S+ will NOT run until it has been signed; you'll get an error like "A referral was returned by the server." when launching.

Since S+ is running from a protected folder, you cannot write files (StrokesPlus.xml) unless you run S+ as Administrator. Only run with Administrative privileges by right-clicking StrokesPlus.exe and clicking Run As Adminstrator. If you set it to run as admin under the Compatability tab, you'll lose the other privileges and defeat the purpose of this functionality (no line on Start screen, etc.). If not run with Administrator privileges, you'll need to pass the path to StrokesPlus.xml in a user area so it can be written (e.g.: "C:\Program Files\StrokesPlus\StrokesPlus.exe" "C:\Users\Rob\Documents\StrokesPlus.xml"). See this post for more details:

You'll need to sign S+ using command # 3 above for each new release, but you won't have to make or add the certificate again.

Maybe someday I will have S+ signed and this whole process will be eliminated. However, it's about USD $179/year, so unless the donations increase or I start charging for S+, you'll have to take these steps yourself if you want S+ to work better with Windows 8.

Note: I've only received about USD $190 in donations since I started S+ over a year ago; so clearly signing isn't cost effective for me to do .

I'm sure over time I'll find better ways to streamline this whole process, but that's why this functionality is Beta and at your own risk for now!


88 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2012 :  12:45:45  Show Profile
you can not do that you create the certificate on your computer, then put it exported in the download package and the user installs it in their Windows manager certificate?
Maybe he can also do this the installer with an option.

Edited by - plunt on 12/29/2012 12:47:36
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2615 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2012 :  12:49:35  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Quite possibly. I haven't run through all of the scenarios yet, but was ready to call it quits for the day and figured I'd at least post this for people to play around with
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2615 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2012 :  17:56:38  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Ok, I need some people to test this out on Windows 7 or 8. I only have a couple VMs to test this on and I'd like to have others try it out.

Download the appropriate ZIP below:



These are the signed files. Extract them to C:\Program Files\StrokesPlus.

(these instructions are for Windows 8, but the Windows 7 steps are almost identical)

1. Right-click StrokesPlus.exe and select Properties
2. Click the Digital Signatures tab
3. Select StrokesPlusCert and click Details
4. Click View Certificate
5. Click Install Certificate...
6. Select Local Machine and click Next
7. Click Yes if you have UAC enabled and get an elevation confirmation
8. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse...
9. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK
10. Click Next then Finish

You should get a message that the import was complete. Close out the StrokesPlus.exe Properties windows. Right-click StrokesPlus.exe and click Run as administrator.

S+ should start and run fine. If you have Windows 8, confirm that you can draw on the Start screen and that acSendKeys("^%{TAB}") pulls up the list of running programs.

If you don't normally run S+ with admin privileges, you can start S+ from the Program Files directory, passing in a command line parameter specifying the location of your StrokesPlus.xml file (S+ cannot write to the Program Files directory unless running as admin).

For example, I tested this by running (Start > Run):

"C:\Program Files\StrokesPlus\StrokesPlus.exe" "C:\Users\Rob\Documents\Development\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\StrokesPlus_2\bin\Release\x64\StrokesPlus.xml"

S+ runs without admin privileges, but since it's signed and the certificate installed as a trusted root CA, I can draw gestures on the Start screen and interact with Windows 8 dialogs.

Hopefully this works as it's MUCH easier to do for now, while I keep looking for better ways to make this process more seamless.

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2615 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2012 :  18:23:43  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
In the end, I'm going to have this all automated; I'm looking at WiX to create a more robust MSI installer which will handle installing the certificate. So eventually there will be signed and unsigned versions of S+ (yay, more work!).

Signed will pretty much be for Windows 8, though the unsigned version mostly works fine, just won't have the ability to interact with certain Windows 8 screens.

Either way, I'd still like people to test this out, specifically Windows 8 users...and let me know if things are working ok.

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46 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2012 :  13:14:04  Show Profile
It works without signing if you disable UAC.
The import was ok, so should work for others as well.

Windows 8 Pro WMC x64.

Windows 8.1u3 Pro x64 Media Center / Portable StrokesPlus
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2615 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2012 :  18:12:02  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Thanks for the feedback!
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2615 Posts

Posted - 01/07/2013 :  15:35:47  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
The latest signed installers will install the certificate; this thread can essentially be disregarded now
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14 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2015 :  04:59:29  Show Profile
windows 8.1 trouble , strokesplus works only with firefox ,troubles with ie,total commander, explorer

so i downloaded SIGNED portable version, i upload my custom StrokesPlus.xml ,again not worked !!!!

DONE: now it's work ,it's only go to propreties of StrokesPlus.exe,then compatibility,then set compatibility mode to WINDOWS 7 !!!!!!!
then you may set full permissions :
propreties,security,edit: authenticated users : click full control,
system: if is not selected the same click full control ,then administrators :full control,then users: full control ....

doing this i check it out 2 houres,now WORK

Edited by - xpectmore on 06/16/2015 08:10:10
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14 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2015 :  05:02:36  Show Profile
re mix:

go to propreties of StrokesPlus.exe,then compatibility,then set compatibility mode to WINDOWS 7 !!!!!!!
then you may set full permissions :
propreties,security,edit: authenticated users : click full control,
system: if is not selected the same click full control ,then administrators :full control,then users: full control ....

now it's work without problem.....
until i turn on windows task manager,kmplayer or OTHER ELSE THAT REQUIRE FIRST FOCUS ALLWAYS ,that's really happening in your problems like my strokes plus can run on windows 8.1 x64,cause i have it here and it's work

ps:i have action center disabled and the service too,
i have defender disabled ,no antivirus so i don't have "proxxy mouse's drivers interferences by antivirus software" and these reasons are maybe the singularity of perfect function ,also i have synaptycs drivers for windows 7 x64 with win7 compatibility checked on install,all my all drivers are win7 compatibility set on setup cause my laptop is a OLD acer aspire+ intel core 2 t6400 at 2.0 ghz , i had installed from windows sources framefork 3.5 and not from windows updates, and the error i seen in windows 7 is in 8, and 8.1 too : active windows are loosing focus if you open other apps over and you close them , the active focus in on desktop shell and not the up window of your screen,that's thanks to "billy" gates
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