Well I'm not really sure if this is the right place to post this since it's not SP or LUA "It's AutoHotkey". I set this up to make key pressing macros faster without having to memorize every keys code.
Lazy I know
Almost forgot! You can put ; before #IfWinActive or remove the line if you want this script to work outside of SP.
#IfWinActive ahk_class #32770 ; strokes plus #SingleInstance Force TrayTip, Strokes Plus quick keys -By XilE, Click inside the strokes plus scripting area `nPress the appskey to trigger then press the key you want `nPress the appskey again paste the up code for your key, 7500 suspend, on
appskey:: suspend If U = 1 { Send, ^v U=0 Suspend Return } Else { } return
Hi there! Thanks for the list, we've bee using it for a couple of years now to add some scripts to Strokes Plus. I'm trying to make an "Open Discord link in Explorer" gesture for which I need the following key presses :
Ctrl + C Win + R \ (because Discord always ignore the first \ when someone posts a network link) Ctrl + V Enter
Problem is, I'm using a french Canadian keyboard and acSendKeyDown(220) doesn't send \, it's used for "é". I would need to do Right Alt + ` (the key left of number 1) but I can't find any of those in your list.
Here's what it looks like right now. Instead of using right alt I've put shift + alt which does the same thing :
-- Ctrl C + Win R acSendControlDown() acSendKeyDown(67) acSendKeyUp(67) acSendControlUp() acSendKeyDown(91) acSendKeyDown(82) acSendKeyUp(82) acSendKeyUp(91)
-- Ctrl V + Enter acSendControlDown() acSendKeyDown(86) acSendKeyUp(86) acSendControlUp() acDelay(300) acSendKeyDown(13) acSendKeyUp(13)
I know this is a really old post but I couldn't find another list compatible with StrokesPlus on the Web. Maybe someone here knows where this is coming from?
tl;dr How can I send "Right Alt" and the key left of number 1 (usually used to open in-game consoles)