Added in 2.7.5:
acCreatePopupMenu(x, y, items, delim, function)
This function lets you display a custom popup menu via a delimited (specified in delim parameter) list of menu items (items parameter); "-" will create a menu separator. You define a function under Global Lua which will be called by S+ after a menu item is selected. The function must only accept a single parameter, which will always be a number.
Menu separators are skipped in terms of getting assigned an ID. Meaning, in the following example, the only potential values for id passed into popupMenu are 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Action script:local swnd = acFindWindow("STROKESPLUS",nil)
foregroundWindow = acGetForegroundWindow() -- Save the current foreground window for later
acActivateWindow(swnd) --Bring S+ to the foreground
acPostMessage(swnd, 0x0000, 0, 0)
acCreatePopupMenu(gex, gey, "New Tab,Close Tab,-,Show ID,-,Close Menu", ",", "popupMenu")
Global Lua:foregroundWindow = 0 --Important to declare without local keyword
function popupMenu(id)
acActivateWindow(foregroundWindow) --Reset focus back to the original foreground app
foregroundWindow = 0
if id == 1 then
elseif id == 2 then
elseif id == 3 then
acMessageBox("id: "
--Do nothing, for the Close Menu item
Note that you can make as many separate Global Lua functions as you'd like to support many different menus, assuming they all have different names. All you have to do is specify the proper function name in your action's call to acCreatePopupMenu.
You can also replace the code the gets the current foreground window if you'd like to bring the focus to the window below where the gesture began, e.g.foregroundWindow = acGetOwnerWindowByPoint(gsx, gsy)