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 Gesture while actions dialog is open
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Posted - 03/07/2012 :  11:09:16  Show Profile
Long time strokeit user here, i like what you have done, haven't been very impressed by other gesture apps compared to strokeit but your app is pretty much on par or even better already.

A couple of things bug me straight away, why can't i change actions and test them without closing the dialog? It seems more rule than exception that i get some small thing wrong and need to keep reopening the actions dialog over and over.
Also the actions dialog is pretty much the heart of the program, why have it so deep in the tray icon right click menu? How about single left click open actions, long click disables the application, or just have disable as the first option on the right click menu.
Also when opening up actions the dialog is reset, whatever sub menu was expanded and whatever action was highlighted is lost, i guess this is less of a hassle if you can try your gestures with the actions list open.


2615 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2012 :  11:47:50  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Understood. I have a gesture set to open the actions window for just that reason, acShowActions(). Not that I'm suggesting that is what you should do, more so confirming the inconvenience by the fact that I was annoyed. Having a single-click on the tray icon seems like a reasonable request, though.

The biggest problem with the immediate testing/gestures active while S+ windows are open is due to the EXE and DLL being asynchronous. They each maintain the config separately, for their own purposes. Surely there's a better way to handle this. When I started the app in 2009, I had virtually no experience with C++, especially in the context of building a Windows app; never mind one of this nature with low-level mouse/keyboard hooks.

Ideally, I'd like to rewrite it, hosting everything but the tray icon in StrokesPlus.dll. This would make testing changes immediately possible as well as gestures while S+ windows are open. In theory, it *shouldn't* be too challenging, but would be something nice to complete for a version 2.0.

Thanks for the feedback!
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2615 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  15:12:46  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
Added remembering last App/Action selected in 1.7.8.

The single vs double-click feature didn't work out well as the only way for that to work is to let the system double-click time pass to know whether you intended to double-click. So what happened was, you would single click the icon and S+ would have to wait until the double-click time passed, then open actions. Obviously, that's just more annoying and poor design, so I opted to pass on that for now.
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11 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  10:42:27  Show Profile
That's great, with a acShowActions() gesture it's alot easier to edit now. It feels like strokesplus is actually more accurate than strokeit, it misses gestures less frequently.
And one thing that has been bugging me alot with strokeit is doing gestures above flash windows in browsers, like close tab in the middle of a youtube video, that never worked in strokeit, strokesplus has no problems with it.

"Fire recognition on mouse wheel scroll" could that be for other keys aswell? I used left click to browse through tabs with strokeit, just holding right mouse and hitting left click repeatedly, but with strokesplus you need to release right button for the gesture to go through.

Other ideas
- Different icons for action missing gesture and button gesture
- Disable app and action
- Use icon from the .exe of whatever target you use, have it in the actions list.
- Have multiple target's for one app, similar apps often use same key combos, i.e alt+enter for media players.
- Moveable actions, both within app and between apps

Im sure you have thought of most of these ideas and it's really just about is it worth the hassle, but im throwing it out there.
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2615 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  11:11:55  Show Profile  Visit Rob's Homepage
I agree with the recognition, that's why I joined Dylan Vester on his High Sign project, but jumped ship to make S+ as High Sign required .NET and was bloated due to that. The gesture recognition in S+ is entirely Dylan's work..just to give credit where it's due =)

The left button action fire is possible (I can already foresee the number of variations people are going to want!). I may add another option to fire all modifiers immediately (which would disable the mouse wheel option as it would be included). That comes with a price of not being able to select multiple modifiers, though. Will have to think that through in more detail..what's wrong with using the damn mouse wheel?! =P

- Different icons for action missing gesture and button gesture
What do you mean? An icon (thumbnail) which visually communicates the modifiers? I thought of something like that, colored dots or something.

- Disable app and action
Yeah, the XML (and code) supports it via the enabled attribute..just never got around to putting anything in the UI for it.
However, sticking "do return end" at the top of the Lua script field effectively disables an action =) (I know, I know..I'll get to it)

- Use icon from the .exe of whatever target you use, have it in the actions list.
Apps can match only on patterns if one desires, so an app icon doesn't really fit into this idea...

- Have multiple target's for one app, similar apps often use same key combos, i.e alt+enter for media players.
Apropos! You can define an app which matches all player windows and have actions for just those (requires using conditional patterns [regex], but totally doable)
Or, make a global action for it, use acGetWindowTitle or acGetExecutableName and only do something if they match your player apps.
Stop thinking like you're using StrokeIt =)

- Moveable actions, both within app and between apps
You know how much of a pain in the ass working with Windows UI in raw API mode is? Heh, I keed..but it's seriously annoying for such a small gain (gain from my perspective, that is). But I always keep these suggestions in my mind..when I KNOW they're not right, I'll ALWAYS get around to fixing them due to my obsessive nature.
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11 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  12:27:10  Show Profile
"What do you mean? An icon (thumbnail) which visually communicates the modifiers? I thought of something like that, colored dots or something."

If you have an action with no modifier/button or gesture, it should probably have an icon that basically tells you it's effectively disabled.
And actions with a button but without gesture, should have something else, because it is functional.

"Apps can match only on patterns if one desires, so an app icon doesn't really fit into this idea..."

It's easier to navigate if you get different blobs of color indicating different sections, but yeah it would be a bit troublesome to have an application icon if it is set to match different applications.

"what's wrong with using the damn mouse wheel?! =P"
nothing, i do that aswell :)
However, it seems to be some conflict with autohotkey, do S+ use mouse/keyb hooks?
If i reload my always running autohotkey script the rbutton+wheel stops working in S+, until i restart S+, but then a xbutton1+wheel combo i use in autohotkey stops working =D

Seems like this was due to the "enable mouse wheel relay" setting.

Edited by - HarryS on 03/09/2012 12:39:10
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